Project Title

  • Online Auction System is a web based application which helps a user to buy and sell the items.

  • It allows sellers to set their products for auction and buyers to bid for various products which are available for auctioning.

  • It eliminates the disadvantages of the conventional system where users have to sit and bid.

Software Requirements

  • HTML
  • CSS
  • Javascript
  • Java
  • Apache Tomcat Server

Developer Tools

  • Github
  • MySQl Database
  • Eclipse
  • VSCode


Download the documentation from Online Auction System


  • Register : System will allow users to create account.

  • Login:

    • System will allow the user to login.
    • System will verify the user name and password.
    • System will not allow user to login with invalid username or password.
  • Browsing and database search:

    • System will allow user to search products that are available for auction.
    • System shall display the result.
    • System will allow the bidder to bid on desired product.
  • Action:

    • System will allow users to post for product they want to sell.
    • System will allow users view their active bids (that are in progress).
  • Purchase History:

    • System will allow the user to view their purchase history.



  • List of products bought by the buyer in the auction.
  • List of products currently available for the auction.
  • Button to bid for a product.
  • Buyer can place a bid for a product by clicking on the auction button.
  • Buyers can place the bid amount.


  • List of products auctioned by the seller
  • Button to add new product to be auctioned
  • List of auctioned products that are sold
  • Seller can add new product for auctioning
  • Seller can schedule an auction

Run Locally

Clone the project

  git clone

Go to the project directory

  cd CodeFury_2021

Run on Eclipse

  • Right-click on project
  • Run As > Run on Server
  • If asked, select Apache-Tomcat-Server-9.0.52

Install dependencies

  Java "1.8.0_301"
  MySQL Database "8.0.26 MySQL Community Server - GPL"
  Apache Tomcat Server "9.0.52"
  Eclipse Version "Eclipse-jee-2020-06-R-win32-x86_64"


  • Manya Bhardwaj
  • Swanand Sanjay Khonde
  • Harshika Golkonda
  • Ayushi Lonkar
  • Srividya Ghanta
  • Abdul Mueed Dalvi
  • Bhakti Jain
  • Shardul Sandeep Khandekar
  • Prasanna Laxmi
  • Narayani Verma