
Create html + css + lua apps with neovim as 'browser'

Primary LanguageLua


Create html + css + lua apps with neovim as 'browser'.

The motivation is:

  • Neovim is cross-platform
  • consistent 'native ui'
  • already looks good out of the box
  • easy access to features, themes through plugins
  • now supports NVIM_APPNAME, allowing for standalone apps
  • startup is blazing fast 🔥
  • easy way to share custom widgets, simply using lazy.nvim
  • app elements like div, navbar, tabs, toasts, etc. already available
  • package management is automatic with lazy.nvim
  • already has searchable DOM using treesitter
    • so technically, possible to render HTML to a 'Neovim GUI'


  • dom - html
  • style - css
  • script - lua
  • browser - neovim
  • engine - htmlgui.nvim for now
  • elements - htmlgui.html for now ( should have used nui.nvim )

This is purely a proof of concept, and currently not usable. see fails.



Youtube link to htmlgui.nvim demo



Youtube link to htmlgui.nvim cheapass-diary

cheapass-diary cheapass-diary-edit


Youtube link to htmlgui.nvim discount-lazygit



First install Neovim >= 0.9 ( which supports NVIM_APPNAME ) from here.

Install nerdfont of choice from nerdfont.

Then clone the repo, install and check out an example.

git clone https://github.com/manyids2/htmlgui.nvim
cd htmlgui.nvim

# Install htmlgui.nvim to `$XDG_CONFIG_DIR/nvim-apps/htmlgui.nvim`
# Installs shell script to `/usr/bin/htmlgui.nvim`, asks for sudo
make install

# Check out the main features
cd examples
htmlgui.nvim index.html

So many possibilities

  • inbuilt debugger
  • hyperlinks with href
  • element definitions and defaults
  • highlights instead of background/foreground using treesitter
  • run shell command for element
  • dom in any language supported by treesitter
    • theoretically, can 'code' dom, style in absolutely any language
    • needs examples, actual use cases, like viz python, markdown, etc as webpage
  • providing context with jinja
  • uvloop for animation
  • 'canvas' element
  • support entire paths instead of filenames
  • get scripts, styles from plugins like CDN, just need to install with lazy
  • get widgets, components similarly
  • 'config' itself as webpage
  • help with ? per element, global
  • tabbing with treesitter elements

So many details


  • Not using nui.nvim
  • css preference order
  • zoom is wonky when on floats, needs to be disabled/handled there
  • no actual nested multiline divs
    • ( for now just divs at depth 1 and single line between > and <)
  • no layout engine ( make lua bindings for yoga? )
  • no create / delete elements from callbacks

Core modules


Calls app.setup(config).


Module to store state and transitions of htmlgui.

  • config
  • info
  • state.dom -
  • state.gui -
  • state.css -
  • state.lua -
  • state.data - store of html elements in body in our format (data)
  • script - reload on set_keymaps
  • style - reload on rendesr


  • data
  • element



