- 6
Smart Plug Override with Time
#90 opened by WiggyToo - 6
Home Assistant Integration failing suddenly
#74 opened by m90att - 3
Move zone properties to a class
#89 opened by manzanotti - 3
Updates for installation
#87 opened by GeoffAtHome - 0
nodeID missing for raw_json["Data"]
#85 opened by GeoffAtHome - 0
Extra route for v3 API
#86 opened by rbubley - 1
- 1
A smart plug state, as a switch, does not reflect correct state on start-up
#83 opened by GeoffAtHome - 1
- 4
- 7
- 6
Zone with missing type key
#75 opened by warksit - 1
Missing type for ESW w/temp
#77 opened by sftgunner - 7
iMode 0 not mapped - causing errors
#63 opened by rbubley - 15
#51 opened by GeoffAtHome - 5
Unable to login with V3
#45 opened by GeoffAtHome - 8
Errors logged in HA.
#30 opened by GeoffAtHome - 2
Errors parsing some zone timer schedules
#27 opened by castaway - 16
Can't set override mode (temp, duration) for zones
#25 opened by zxdavb - 7
convert_zone fails.
#3 opened by GeoffAtHome