inclusión de archivos

Primary LanguageSass


Mao's own boilerplate to work with VUE, PUG and SASS


    • PUG
    • SASS
      • Bourbon
      • Bootstrap
    • BABEL
      • JavaScript

  • VUE v2.6.10
    • Template
      • HTML
      • PUG
    • Script
      • JavaScript
    • Style
      • CSS
      • SASS


  1. Node.js
  2. Yarn
  3. Gulp-cli - yarn global add gulp-cli


$ yarn install

First Step

$ gulp first

This creates the folder structure

Start working

$ gulp

This will setup the LocalHost server http://localhost:3000/

Other gulp tasks

gulp vue : compile vue app in development mode

gulp vueFinal : compile vue in production mode

gulp pug : compile the pug files in the source folder in development mode

gulp pugFinal : compile the pug files in the source folder in production mode

gulp cssInline : Puts the css inline in the public html

gulp sass : compile the sass files in the sourece/css folder in development mode

gulp sassFinal : compile the sass files in the sourece/css folder in production mode

gulp compress : compile the js files in source/js with babel into the public/js folder

gulp concat : concatenate the files in the source/_includes/js folder into scripts.js in public/js

gulp json : copy the json files form source/json to public/json


$ npm run lint

Lint every .js and .vue file inside source


The formating is done by vsCode and the extention ESlint on save


Mao Santaella

GitHub - Portfolio