A tool to test Alluxio thread pool full problem.
I use alluxio-core-client-1.5.0-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar
to import class what I need.
After started the test program, it give you 3 second to ensure your argument then, it will started
a specific count thread, every thread will do the same test.
In test body, we open a file and close it.
Clone Alluxio source enter alluxio-core-client module, execute mvn to build the jar, after build successful finish, you
can get the jar file alluxio-core-client-1.5.0-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar
$ cd ./alluxio/core/client
$ mvn clean package assembly:single -DskipTests -Dcheckstyle.skip -Dhadoop.version=2.7.1
You can get the source to by clone it or download the zip.
Use maven to build it by execute the follow command.
$ mvn install
After build finish, you can execute /alluxio-test.sh -h
to verify your build is successful.
You can use the alluxio-test.sh
to execute the program. use -h
argument to get more help
$ ./alluxio-test.sh -h
usage: Options
-go after everything done, terminate it. Otherwise, main thread will not quit.
-h help
-keepOpen keep open, open the file and do not close it.
-path <arg> alluxio file path. default
-testCount <arg> test count default 100.
First, execute script ./alluxio-test.sh
, you can see the output as follow:
$ ./alluxio-test.sh -path alluxio://
path : alluxio://
go : false
keepOpen : false
testCount : 100
testIndex : 0
After 3 second , test will started !
start test:
0 / 100 .
1 / 100 .
99 / 100 .
test Ok!
I am alive!
Because of there is none -go
flag, so after the test finish, main thread will still alive and say
I am alive
every minute. The default test count is 100. so there are 100 thread to do the test,
every test open the file alluxio://
close it.
We can think about it, although there are 100 thread executed the open
and close
function, the
alluxio master must close all thread, because we close it. But it is different from what I expected.
Use jps
to get the pid of current TestAlluxio
process is 27055
Use netstat
to view the alluxio rpc server connection information.
$ netstat -apn | grep 19998|grep tcp6
tcp6 0 0 ESTABLISHED 27055/java
tcp6 0 0 ESTABLISHED 27055/java
tcp6 0 0 ESTABLISHED 27055/java
The netstat
result say there are 3 thread open 3 port connected to port 19998
use tcp6 and the
After we use CTRL + C
to exit the TestAlluxio process, we re-execute the netstat
again. You can
see the 3 thread's state all changed to TIME_WAIT
. After a minute the 3 thread gone.
$ netstat -apn | grep 19998|grep tcp6
tcp6 0 0 TIME_WAIT -
tcp6 0 0 TIME_WAIT -
tcp6 0 0 TIME_WAIT -
$ netstat -apn | grep 19998|grep tcp6
In the test, you must get your hadoop cluster namenode ip and port. Usually, default the port 8021.
First, execute script ./alluxio-test.sh
, change to your namenode ip and port,
you can see the output as follow:
$ ./alluxio-test.sh -path hdfs://
path : hdfs://
go : false
keepOpen : false
testCount : 100
testIndex : 0
After 3 second , test will started !
start test:
0 / 100 .
1 / 100 .
98 / 100 .
99 / 100 .
test Ok!
I am alive!
I am alive!
I am alive!
During the output displaying, you must execute netstat
in another terminal,
$ netstat -apn | grep 8021|grep tcp6
tcp6 0 0 ESTABLISHED 27623/java
is local ip, the is namenode ip.
Although testAlluxio process still running and output I am alive!
every minute, but after we
re-execute netstat
, we will see the state is TIME_WAIT
$ netstat -apn | grep 8021|grep tcp6
tcp6 0 0 TIME_WAIT -
And after a minite, re-execute netstat
, the connection has gone although testAlluxio process still
running .
The handle function of the file open and close between hdfs and Alluxio are different, hdfs namenode can close a unused connection automatically, but alluxio master hold the connection until the client process terminate. So if there are a lot of client connect to alluxio master and keep alive, alluxio's thread pool will full although every client call close in the right way.