
Input method thesaurus for fcitx

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Input method thesaurus for fcitx

If you use Doube Pinyin,recommend you use flypy(小鹤双拼).Input away from the cloud. https://github.com/imaojun/flypy-linux


  • small-thesaurus
    Only integrates Sogou lexicon, computer vocabulary and poetry.

  • full-thesaurus
    Compared with small-thesaurus, it integrates more thesaurus, relatively comprehensive.


  1. Download thesaurus to local.

Use git:

$ git clone git@github.com:imaojun/fcitx-thesaurus.git

Or direct download:

  1. Enter one of the folders

Put the files(pyphrase.mb and pybase.mb) into the ~/.config/fcitx/pinyin directory.

$ cp *.mb ~/.config/fcitx/pinyin/
  1. Reload fcitx.

Reference link