
BanterBot: An OpenAI ChatGPT-powered chatbot with Azure Neural Voices. Supports speech-to-text and text-to-speech interactions. Features real-time monitoring and tkinter frontend.

Primary LanguagePython


BanterBot is a user-friendly chatbot application that leverages OpenAI models for generating context-aware responses, Azure Neural Voices for text-to-speech synthesis, and Azure speech-to-text recognition. The package offers a comprehensive toolkit for building chatbot applications with an intuitive interface and a suite of utilities.


  • Utilizes OpenAI models to generate context-aware responses
  • Leverages Azure Neural Voices for premium text-to-speech synthesis
  • Offers a wide range of output formats, voices, and speaking styles
  • Allows real-time monitoring of the chatbot's responses
  • Supports asynchronous speech-to-text microphone input
  • Includes an abstract base class for creating custom frontends for the BanterBot application
  • Features a tkinter-based frontend implementation
  • Automatically selects an appropriate emotion or tone based on the conversation context


Three environment variables are required for full functionality:

  • OPENAI_API_KEY: A valid OpenAI API key
  • AZURE_SPEECH_KEY: A valid Azure Cognitive Services Speech API key for text-to-speech and speech-to-text functionality
  • AZURE_SPEECH_REGION: The region associated with your Azure Cognitive Services Speech API key



A class responsible for managing interactions with the OpenAI ChatCompletion API. It offers functionality to generate responses from the API based on input messages. It supports generating responses in their entirety or as a stream of response blocks.


A class that handles text-to-speech synthesis using Azure's Cognitive Services. It supports a wide range of output formats, voices, and speaking styles. The synthesized speech can be interrupted, and the progress can be monitored in real-time.


A class that provides an interface to convert spoken language into written text using Azure Cognitive Services. It allows continuous speech recognition and provides real-time results as sentences are recognized.


An abstract base class for designing frontends for the BanterBot application. It provides a high-level interface for managing conversations with the bot, including sending messages, receiving responses, and updating the conversation area. Accepts both keyboard inputs and microphone voice inputs.


A graphical user interface (GUI) for a chatbot application that employs OpenAI models for generating responses, Azure Neural Voices for text-to-speech, and Azure speech-to-text. The class inherits from both tkinter.Tk and Interface, offering a seamless integration of chatbot functionality with an intuitive interface.

TKMultiplayerInterface (In Development)

This GUI establishes a multiplayer conversation environment where up to nine users can interact with the chatbot simultaneously. The GUI includes a conversation history area and user panels with 'Listen' buttons to process user input. It also supports key bindings for user convenience.


Pip (Recommended)

BanterBot is installable using the Python Package Index (PyPi):

python -m pip install banterbot


To install BanterBot, simply clone the repository and install the required dependencies:

git clone https://github.com/gabrielscabrera/banterbot.git
cd banterbot
python -m pip install .


Launch with Command Line

Start BanterBot by running the banterbot command in your terminal.

  • Add the -g flag to enable GPT-4 for enhanced conversation quality. Please note that GPT-4 API access is required, and using GPT-4 is more costly and slower than the default GPT-3.5-Turbo.

  • Use the -p flag followed by a string in quotes to set up a custom character prior to initialization (e.g., -p "You are Grendel the Quiz Troll, a charismatic troll who loves hosting quiz shows.").

  • Include the -m flag to activate the multiplayer interface.

  • Apply the -e flag to enable emotional tone evaluation before the bot generates its responses.

  • To select a Microsoft Azure Cognitive Services text-to-speech voice, use the -v flag followed by one of the available voice options (e.g., -v jenny).

  • Select a Microsoft Azure Cognitive Services text-to-speech voice style by using the -s flag followed by one of the available style options (e.g., -s friendly).

Launch with a Python script

To use BanterBot in a script, create an instance of the TKSimpleInterface class and call the run method:

from banterbot import TKSimpleInterface, get_voice_by_name, get_model_by_name

model = get_model_by_name("gpt-3.5-turbo")
voice = get_voice_by_name("Davis")

style = "excited"
# Optional system prompt to set up a custom character prior to initializing BanterBot.
system = "You are Grendel the Quiz Troll, a charismatic troll who loves to host quiz shows."

# The four arguments `model`, `voice`, `style`, `system`, and `tone` are optional.
# Setting `tone` to True enables voice tones and emotions.
interface = TKSimpleInterface(model=model, voice=voice, style=style, system=system, tone=True)

For multiplayer, you can swap out TKSimpleInterface in the above code with TKMultiplayerInterface.

Chat Logs

Chat logs are saved in the $HOME/Documents/BanterBot/Conversations/ directory as individual .txt files.


For a complete set of documentation, please refer to the BanterBot Documentation.