
简体中文版的Julia程序包博物馆,Curated decibans of Julia language in Simplified Chinese

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如果你想创建一个程序包,请查看Julia程序包开发工具并且这里有一个Julia程序包样例,最新的有趣程序包统计在Julia程序包动态中。被抛弃的,不再有人维护或者不再纳入Julia开源组织的程序包将会默认被收集在Julia Archive组织中.

  • AI.md :: 算法, 数据挖掘, 数据结构, 隐马尔可夫模型, 机器学习, 自然语义分析, ...
  • Astronomy.md :: 天文和图像程序包.
  • API.md :: 其它语言的接口 - C++, Fortran, Go, Java, JavaScript, MATLAB, Perl, Python, R, ...
  • Biology.md :: 生物信息, 基因组学, 农学, 食品科学, 医学, 遗传工程, 神经科学, et. al...
  • Build-Automation.md :: 持续交付 (CD),持续集成(CI)工具, 封装, 工程发布 (RE), 发布管理 (RM), 软件配置管理 (SCM), 等等...
  • Chemistry.md :: 分析化学, 化学信息学, 结晶学, 纳米化学, 核化学 ...
  • Community.md :: 这里列出了社区和Julia相关开发的链接,包括Julia大事件,会议, 论坛/ 聚会,新闻,等等..
  • Computer-Graphics.md :: 绘图, 图表和其它可视化工具.
  • DataBase.md :: 数据库:NoSQL, RDBMS and Middleware的接口(API).
  • Earth-Science.md :: 制图学, 气候学, 地球生物学, 地球化学, 地理学, 地球空间信息学, 地质学, 地球物理, 地球科学/地理咨询系统, 地质数学, 气象学, 海洋学等相关的应用和软件...
  • Hardware.md :: 跨平台硬件和其它API库相关软件
  • HPC.md :: 高性能计算,分布式计算,云计算,集群计算,网格计算,Kernels and architectures like 诸如ARM,MIPS,GPU,CUDA等的核心程序和架构...
  • i18n-L10n.md :: 翻译,国际化 (i18n) 以及本土化 (L10n)
  • IO.md :: 不同文件类型的输入/输出功能和相关支持
  • Mathematics.md:: 代数,几何,... 所有和数学相关的内容.
  • OpenData.md :: OpenData,免费的数据集
  • Physics.md :: 和物理相关的Julia程序包
  • Programming-Paradigms.md :: 类型系统,数据类型等的编程范例和语法概念
  • Publications.md :: 相关的研究论文 (期刊和会议文章).
  • QA.md :: 驱动开发测试,沙盒,函数/模块测试,... 质量相关的工具.
  • Resources.md :: 博客,cookbooks,备忘,IJulia NoteBooks,以及其它非标准文档的资源.
  • Statistics.md :: 精算学,财政,经济学,随机分析,保险统计,运筹学和标准测试以及数学优化工具....
  • Utilities.md :: 方便的工具集和其他常用工具
  • Web-Server.md :: 高性能计算,分布式计算,云WWW,HTTP,网络,服务器等...

免责声明: 作为一门新出现的科学计算语言,Julia由于经常会加入新的库而导致一些文档的频繁变动以及页面的调整,它常常处于一种不稳定的状态,这里我们仅提供一个广义的Julia程序包列表,而不会具体考虑每个程序包的质量,技术特点,编程范式等。


  • COPYRIGHT © 2012-Now SVAKSHA, All Rights Reserved.
  • This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License - (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0) as detailed in the LICENSE.md file and ALL references, citations, copies and forks of this work must retain the Copyright, Licence (LICENSE.md file), this permission notice and must attribute credit.



Contributions to Julia.jl are welcome in the form of pull requests (PR). Here are some guidelines and tips on how to submit a Bug Report (BR) and/or PR:


The Julia community has ethical guidelines aimed at respecting Copyright, Licenses and attribution standards{1} and {2} which you are requested to follow while submitting materials to be listed. Additionally, if you find any material (or code repos) that violates these ethical standards, please file a bug report for their removal from Julia.jl.


These comments led to a BR discussing the addition of metadata tags that will enable programmers and package users to easily distinguish the status of various Julia packages that are under various stages of development. Currently, METADATA has a tag system but not all package authors use it, making it harder for lay users to know if the package maintenance is active or not.

Lets experiment with asking package authors and core-commiters to tag their Julia packages on the following criteria :

On a scale of 1 to 5 (1=lowest,..5=highest), please rank your package for,

  • Usability : Does the package do what it says it does? is it easy to figure out? Is the package production-ready and actively maintained (issues/PRs are responded and resolved in a timely manner, and maintenance and testing is at par with Julia release cycles).
  • Quality : Does the package have tests? are there lots of bugs? Do you have good documentation? Can it be used in production environments that expect prompt security patches?
  • Activity : Should a 3rd party user bother to use your library, or is it really only intended to be used by the package author? Let's say, an experimental "throw-away toy repo" whose development has now been abandoned.
  • License : Which software license do you use? If you dont have a license, please state None.


  1. Add your link as per the top-level Category page within the topic sub-section(s), in alphabetical order, with notes (if any) in the markdown files.
  2. For broken links or outdated information, submit a bug report (BR), or make the necessary changes and submit a PR. Both are welcome. Please submit separate PR's for each link or change added.
  3. For Documentation and cookbooks, check if it matches the categories listed, else, list it on the Resources.md page.
  4. For those unable to use git, create a github account, then fork the Julia.jl repo on the user interface. Then edit the page by clicking on the "pencil" icon on the markdown page, then click on save and submit a PR. Github does this automatically in 8 steps.