
paho mqtt client using TSL-PSK communication

Primary LanguagePython

This repository demonstrates how to set a MQTT client based on paho mqtt client to use SSL PSK communication for the MQTT protocol based on the discussion and resources provided by the post eclipse/paho.mqtt.python#451

Current status

  • It is tested working on Linux, Python 3.10 and 3.11.
  • It is tested working on macOS 3.11.3, with Python compiled to use OpenSSL. Please see below.
  • It does not work on Rocky Linux 8 with python 3.6 Reported with #4 by @pat1.

Expected result

The client will connect to a MQTT broker subscribing to the # topic printing on the terminal every message received.


MQTT Broker

The broker tested is a Mosquitto 2.0.15running in a docker container from the official https://hub.docker.com/_/eclipse-mosquitto with the tag 2.0.15-openssl. Its name on the network is broker.local

The psk file for mosquitto has this content:


The machine running the Python script

PSK ciphers should be available to the Python environment running the script. A quick check could be performed issuing this on the shell of the machine considering the above stated credentials:

openssl s_client -psk 1234 -psk_identity hello -connect broker.local:8883

Also, the sspsk2 package from https://github.com/autinerd/sslpsk2/ should be installed on the machine.


Just run the script paho_sslpsk2_demo.py. The payload published by another client should be printed by the script.


The official mosquitto_pub and mosquitto_sub clients can be used on the remote machine to check its ability to connect to the broker. This will check that the broker, its configuration, and clients with proven apps are able to work together using PSK.

A client can subscribe to the topic TestTopic:

mosquitto_sub --psk-identity hello --psk 1234 -h broker.local -p 8883 -t TestTopic -i TheReceiver

Another client can publish a Hello string to that TestTopic:

mosquitto_pub --psk-identity hello --psk 1234 -h broker.local -p 8883 -t TestTopic -m Hello -i TheSender

Check the Mosquitto Broker

The psk file above mentioned should contain the identity and key expected and the broker configuration file should contain matching port and location for that psk file:

listener 8883
psk_file /mosquitto/config/psk

The macOS case

I was not able to get sslpsk2 running on a macOS using the official Python installer. I presume that the reason is that this OS uses LibreSSL instead OpenSSL.

With the official Python for macOS, testing the combo mosquitto_sub/mosquitto_pub on a Intel macOS 13.2.1 it reported:

ssl.SSLError: [SSL: SSLV3_ALERT_HANDSHAKE_FAILURE] sslv3 alert handshake failure (_ssl.c:997)

The above does not happen if Python is installed via brew. Check its official formulae: https://docs.brew.sh/Homebrew-and-Python#python-3y

Tips about installing sslpsk2:

  • Once pip complained about an unsupported architecture. I managed to install sslpsk2 using ARCHFLAGS="-arch x86_64" pip3 install sslpsk2.
  • Once I got this error when issuing pip install sslpsk2:
`clang: error: invalid version number in 'MACOSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET=13'`

Check this post https://stackoverflow.com/a/64838849/15786299 where it mentions that it can be solved with:

sudo rm -rf /Library/Developer/CommandLineTools
sudo xcode-select --install