Ubuntu 23.04 Running On A Xiaomi Pad 5

Ubuntu for Xiaomi Pad 5

This repo contians scripts for automatic building of ubuntu rootfs and kernel for Xiaomi Pad 5

Where do i get needed files?

Actually, just go to the "Actions" tab, find one of latest builds and download file named rootfs_(Desktop Environment you want)_(Kernel version you want)
for update download file named xiaomi-nabu-debs_(Kernel version you want)

Update info

  • Unpack .zip you downloaded
  • Run dpkg -i *-xiaomi-nabu.deb
  • P.S. if you are moving to another kernel version make that after installing .deb's
    First method: just replace your old kernel version with the new kernel version in /boot/grub/grub.cfg
    Second method: grub-install and grub-mkconfig -o /boot/grub/grub.cfg

Install info

  • Unpack .zip you downloaded
  • Unpack extracted .7z (there you take rootfs.img)
  • rootfs.img must be flashed to the partition named "linux"
  • Partition for efi boot must be named "esp"
  • Install grub using grub-install and grub-mkconfig -o /boot/grub/grub.cfg. If done from android make sure that efs partition is mounted at /boot/efi, after generating grub.cfg change all of "/dev/block/" to "/dev/"