
Primary LanguageJavaScript


This is a simple user search app that allows to search for Github users by using Github public API.

It contains four different views:

  • Home: where the user can fetch the data by specifying how many Github users wants to search.
    • A spinner is loaded every time the user fetches data.
  • Users: where the user can see a list of Github users with their avatar, login and an extra info button. Also, it is possible to:
    • Fetch more users.
    • Go back to Home.
    • Go to the user details.
  • Details: where more detailed information of the user is rendered, like the ID or the html_url. Also, it is possible to:
    • Go back to Users or Home.
    • Refresh the page without losing data.
  • NotFound: for the situations when the url doesn't exist.

It also has tests for one of the React components and for two reducers.

Main technologies:

  • JavaScript ES6
  • React to create the user interface.
  • Redux for a predictable state container.

Other technologies and tools used:

  • create-react-app as a started kit.
  • Jest and enzyme for testing.
  • React-Router as a router.
  • React-Bootstrap for design.
  • Yarn as package manager.

To run the app:

  • First clone this repository in your local machine git clone https://github.com/mapageKA21/git-users.
  • Go to the project folder cd git-users.
  • Then run yarn install from your terminal to install all required dependencies (you can also run npm install).
  • Run yarn start (or npm start).
  • Go to http://localhost:3000/
  • To run the tests: yarn test (or npm test)


screen shot 2018-07-04 at 2 03 28 am

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screen shot 2018-07-04 at 2 04 25 am

screen shot 2018-07-04 at 2 04 38 am