
Websockets server

Primary LanguagePython

# OpenPusher

## What is OpenPusher?

OpenPusher is an open source websockets API for real-time communication. OpenPusher is built upon Tornado and Tornadio2 for Socket.io compatibility.

## How works with Boardino?

Includes Boardino real-time component, that is a websockets server built from its parent tornadio is server.py that handles connections messages.py processing messages and boards.py which is the driver for the board as such.

## Instalation

You must have a virtual enviroment as [Boardino](https://github.com/mapale/boardino) or configure it.

Clone repository
git clone https://github.com/mapale/open-pusher.git

Go to open-pusher directory
`cd open-pusher`

Install requirements
`pip install -r requirements.txt`

Run server
`python server.py`

It returns nothing. Ctrl + C to stop server.

## Configure with Boardino

First, open two terminals.

One for Boardino. Execute:
`python manage.py runserver`

Other for Open-pusher. Execute:
`python server.py`

If all went well you can get the browser to [http://localhost:8000/](http://localhost:8000/) and you'll find Boardino home page.