
Extracts time data from given GPX tracks and calculates times for stops of given OpenStreetMap route relation.

GNU Affero General Public License v3.0AGPL-3.0

tgtott (tuani GPX to osm2gtfs timetable tool)

Extracts time data from given GPX tracks and calculates times for stops of given OpenStreetMap route relation.

Example Call



-b --batch

Batch mode: mobile devices stays in public transport for some time (whole day/week) and tgtott calculates timetable from track.

-d --debug

Prints debug information. When a path to file is given, it writes this information to the file.

-D --download-only

Only downloads route relations from OpenStreetMap for later to be used offline.

-p --path

Path to directory containing GPX tracks. Can be used multiple times to define multiple directories containing GPX tracks.

-r --relation

OpenStreetMap relation

Accepted formats

  • [http[s]://]osm.org/relation/123
  • [http[s]://]openstreetmap.org/relation/123
  • ID (123)

-R --refresh

Invalidates Overpass cache for used OpenStreetMap route relations. Together with -d it only downloads new data and terminates afterwards.


Invalidates cache for all OpenStreetMap route relations. Together with -d it only downloads new data and terminates afterwards.

-t --track

Path to track. Can be used multiple times to define multiple tracks.

Default Parameters

-p --path

. (Current directory)

Current Limitations

  • Only works with GPX tracks of one route
  • Batch mode not implemented yet

What tgtott does exactly

  • store all GPX tracks in data structure
  • find common way of GPX tracks
  • find OpenStreetMap route relation matching matching GPX track
  • download the OpenStreetMap relation from Overpass and store its stops and ways in a data structure
  • for each GPX track
  • -| find out at which time the GPX track leaves the area close to the first stop and use this as starting time
  • -| find the first GPX point close to the second stop and connect the stop to this time
  • -| do the same for all the other stops
  • calculate average time differences between stops

Design Decisions

  • Fully internationalized/translatable from the start off
  • First tests are written, then features are implemented
  • Exceptions are used instead of sys.exit(0)
  • Fully modularized so it can be used as a library
  • Based on latest stable Python 3
  • Performance kept in mind
  • Using OpenStreetMap Public Transport Format Version 2
  • Offline usage kept in mind
  • Cache Overpass requests and retry them when they fail
  • Easy to debug
  • To be used on Linux, macOS and Windows
  • Keep amount of dependencies low

Questions to solve

  • Should we rather implement our own GPX parser than using a library? Reasons are performance and the design decision to keep amount of dependencies low.

tuani things

To be implemented later:

  • Try to find out time differences based on day's time/weekday because how long a trip take can depend on when it goes


This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Affero General Public License for more details.

You can find the full license text here.