This is a Technical test for By: Miguel Alejandro Parra Romero.
Tool for compare jobs' skills required with the strengths of a user. (mobile, web).
This tool works better with users that have strenghts registered in As example, you can use:
- maparrar (my username)
- torrenegra
- larpa
- kc
- georgecarretto
The working apps are in the links:
- Stage: skillsviewer-dev
- Production: skillsviewer
Note: Can be delays in the app because these are free servers. Also the CORS-restrictions-avoid-server can add millseconds to the response.
The repositories are public, but I can change the visibility to private if required.
- Documents (this repository):
- App:
Table of Contents
- Planning
- Problem and proposed solution
- Architecture and technologies
- Development details
- Time Log
- Future work
The project was divided in 3 stages of 24 hours, each stage with 10 hours of effective working time.
Stage 1 (Planning):
Product tasks:
- Interviews with people that was looking for jobs and ask about things that they wanted
- Think about a creative problem and a solution
- Decide viability, feasibility and scope for the solution
- Define a basic design
Development tasks:
- Create repositories and branches
- Define architecture and the deploy server
Stage 2 (Versions 1.0 and 2.0):
- Development of front with basic design
- Development of the visualisator
Stage 3 (Version 3.0 and 4.0):
- Development of graphical controls
- Development of skills simulator
- Final deployment
Problem and proposed solution
Sometimes is difficult for a candidate to know what skills need to be improved to apply for a specific job. Even when she/he can see the list of required skills, is not easy to compare with another jobs' required skills.
Proposed solution:
skills viewer: visualisation system to find the skills that need to be improved for a job.
The candidate can look for the available jobs and view graphically and intuitively which of these jobs are 'near' to his/her current skills. The criteria are:
- distance: near means the candidate doesn't need so much skills to be 'good' candidate for that job. Far means need improve more skills
- size: big means a big compensation
Architecture and technologies
- React.js
- Redux
- Axios
- Deployed to skillsviewer
Back (
- API user (skills)
- API jobs
Data flow:
__________ __________
| |-----------[current_and_future_skills]---->| |
| | | Client |
|__________|----------------[available_jobs]---------->| |
Development details
- Load my Genome with Current stregths from
- Load the available jobs from and the skills required
- Basic styling
- Show my stregths and jobs' skills
- Graphical controls
- Improve styling
- Skills simulator
Time Log
Stage 1 (day 1)
- [2h] Project planning
- [1h] Interviews with people that was looking for jobs and ask about things that they wanted
- [1h] Define and calculate viability, feasibility and scope for the solution
- [1h] Define a basic design
- [2h] Create repositories and branches:
- Docs repository
- Front repository
- ad_server repository
- [2h] Define architecture, technologies and the deploy server
- [1h] Write base documentation
Stage 2 (day 2)
- [1h] Initialize React project and start Front end development
- [7h] Cors server creation to avoid Cors restrictions
- [3h] Tests with graphical library
Stage 3 (day 3)
- [4h] Create functions to transform input data to graphical data
- [6h] Create the visualisation tool
- [2h] Final styling and minor improvements
Future work
This is just and aproximation to a visualisation tool and can be improve in many ways:
- Standarize skills required by Opportunities and the selectable strengths by candidates
- This tool uses 200 jobs for testing puposes, but the graphical system supports thousands of nodes, so can be used with the available jobs