This is a Technical test for By: Miguel Alejandro Parra Romero.

Tool for compare jobs' skills required with the strengths of a user. (mobile, web).

This tool works better with users that have strenghts registered in As example, you can use:

  • maparrar (my username)
  • torrenegra
  • larpa
  • kc
  • georgecarretto

The working apps are in the links:

Note: Can be delays in the app because these are free servers. Also the CORS-restrictions-avoid-server can add millseconds to the response.


The repositories are public, but I can change the visibility to private if required.

Table of Contents

  1. Planning
  2. Problem and proposed solution
  3. Architecture and technologies
  4. Development details
  5. Time Log
  6. Future work


The project was divided in 3 stages of 24 hours, each stage with 10 hours of effective working time.

Stage 1 (Planning):

Product tasks:

  • Interviews with people that was looking for jobs and ask about things that they wanted
  • Think about a creative problem and a solution
  • Decide viability, feasibility and scope for the solution
  • Define a basic design

Development tasks:

  • Create repositories and branches
  • Define architecture and the deploy server

Stage 2 (Versions 1.0 and 2.0):

  • Development of front with basic design
  • Development of the visualisator

Stage 3 (Version 3.0 and 4.0):

  • Development of graphical controls
  • Development of skills simulator
  • Final deployment

Problem and proposed solution


Sometimes is difficult for a candidate to know what skills need to be improved to apply for a specific job. Even when she/he can see the list of required skills, is not easy to compare with another jobs' required skills.

Proposed solution:

skills viewer: visualisation system to find the skills that need to be improved for a job.

The candidate can look for the available jobs and view graphically and intuitively which of these jobs are 'near' to his/her current skills. The criteria are:

  • distance: near means the candidate doesn't need so much skills to be 'good' candidate for that job. Far means need improve more skills
  • size: big means a big compensation

Architecture and technologies


Back (

  • API user (skills)
  • API jobs

Data flow:

  __________	                                         __________
 |          |-----------[current_and_future_skills]---->|          |
 | |                                           |  Client  |
 |__________|----------------[available_jobs]---------->|          |

Development details



  • Load my Genome with Current stregths from
  • Load the available jobs from and the skills required
  • Basic styling


  • Show my stregths and jobs' skills


  • Graphical controls
  • Improve styling


  • Skills simulator

Time Log

Stage 1 (day 1)

  • [2h] Project planning
  • [1h] Interviews with people that was looking for jobs and ask about things that they wanted
  • [1h] Define and calculate viability, feasibility and scope for the solution
  • [1h] Define a basic design
  • [2h] Create repositories and branches:
    • Docs repository
    • Front repository
    • ad_server repository
  • [2h] Define architecture, technologies and the deploy server
  • [1h] Write base documentation

Stage 2 (day 2)

  • [1h] Initialize React project and start Front end development
  • [7h] Cors server creation to avoid Cors restrictions
  • [3h] Tests with graphical library

Stage 3 (day 3)

  • [4h] Create functions to transform input data to graphical data
  • [6h] Create the visualisation tool
  • [2h] Final styling and minor improvements

Future work

This is just and aproximation to a visualisation tool and can be improve in many ways:

  • Standarize skills required by Opportunities and the selectable strengths by candidates
  • This tool uses 200 jobs for testing puposes, but the graphical system supports thousands of nodes, so can be used with the available jobs