
Remark-powered Markdown linter and formatter

Primary LanguageJavaScriptBSD 2-Clause "Simplified" LicenseBSD-2-Clause


Markdown formatter and linter. Uses remark-lint plugins and a few other remark plugins.

remark <--> kramer (semordnilap, get it?)


Table of contents


  • 🥳 A table of contents will be generated if you include a Table of contents header in a document, and will include heading levels 1-3.
  • Emphasis and strong are both indicated with *.
  • Unordered list items marked with -.
  • List items are indented one and only one space beyond the marker.
  • Headings are indicated with # signs, e.g. ## Second-level heading.
  • Linked references for links or images (footnotes, essentially) are transformed into inline URLs.
  • Code blocks are fenced with triple backticks.
  • Some other minor stuff that should be intuitive or prevent mistakes, such as some escaping and encoding.


  • 🥳 Links within the repository (to headings, other files, headings in other files) are validated.
  • No duplicate top-level headings.
  • No tabs.
  • Reference definitions are at the end of the file, are not duplicated, and are used.
  • Some other minor stuff that improves consistency.



The @mapbox/kramer package includes a CLI that lints or formats. Formatting overwrites the input files.

Lint or format Markdown files.

  kramer [options] [files...]

  Files can be specified with full paths or globs.
  If no files are specified, the command runs on all
  Markdown files in the current working directory.

  -f, --format    Format files instead of linting them.
                  Overwrites input files.

  kramer docs/*.md
  kramer --format "docs/**/*.md"

You can also use this package as a remark plugin, in Node code or with remark-cli.

Node API

The @mapbox/kramer package also exports settings and plugins that can be used with remark's Node API.

  • settings is an object of remark-stringify settings for formatting.
  • plugins is an array of the remark plugins that kramer uses.

The following example creates a function that reformats Markdown using kramer's rules and plugins.

const unified = require('unified');
const remarkStringify = require('remark-stringify');
const remarkParse = require('remark-parse');
const kramer = require('@mapbox/kramer');

const markdownFormatter = unified()
  .use(remarkStringify, kramer.settings)

async function reformatMarkdown(md) {
  return String(await markdownFormatter.process(md));

Workflow ideas

💭💡 Run Markdown linting as part of your npm test process.

// In package.json ...
  "scripts": {
    "lint-js": "eslint .",
    "lint-md": "kramer",
    "lint": "npm run lint-js && npm run lint-md",
    "pretest": "npm run lint"

💭💡 Use husky and linted-staged to set up a pre-commit hook that automatically lints and formats any Markdown files that are staged for a commit.

// In package.json ...
  "husky": {
    "hooks": {
      "pre-commit": "lint-staged"
  "lint-staged": {
    "*.md": [
      "kramer --format"

💭💡 Whenever you upgrade versions, reformat all your Markdown with kramer --format.