How to load a downloaded KML file into a map layer?
majorbytes opened this issue · 2 comments
I am trying to load a local KML file that I download. It does not seem to work. If I put the KML file in my www/ I can load it fine, but I cannot download to that dir when the app is running. I am downloading it into the /data/data/{APP DIRECTORY}/files/files/theKML.kml. I can read it with a file reader, but the ominivore will not load it up as a map layer..
This question is better-suited for Stack Overflow: it sounds like you're trying to load an arbitrary file that isn't served by your web server, which is not possible.
This one will do it, but I would rather use Leaflet..
map.addKmlOverlay() adds geographic markup onto the map from a KML file. You can specify the file using one of the following protocols: http, https, file, cdvfile or the file absolute path. Only Android, also accepts file:///android_asset/. The added overlays are clickable