- 0
ECMAScript module (ESM)
#126 opened by dshakya - 2
Moderate severity vulnerability
#116 opened by magicznyleszek - 0
How do I use it with locally installed mediagis / nominatim-docker? With my own KML file?
#123 opened by martinenkoEduard - 0
Impossible to load not well-formed GPX
#108 opened by VladimirKalachikhin - 1
dist/leaflet-omnivore.min.js possible?
#105 opened by jywarren - 1
KML: only blue fill and stroke
#124 opened by dl-tg - 1
@tmcw This repository seems not maintained. Can you recommend a replacement?
#125 opened by Mannshoch - 0
leaflet-omnivore with vuejs
#109 opened by olivierpodio - 0
Multiple layer with omnivore
#107 opened by zogs - 0
Can't load large kml file
#120 opened by discoveryLee - 0
Readme file does not match repo
#102 opened by radio412 - 0
omnivore.csv from markers to lines
#113 opened by alf4all - 0
self.postMessage is not a function
#111 opened by JacopoSciampi - 1
nodejs dependencies deprecated.
#114 opened by msmolka - 0
Add upload button to upload the required file.
#112 opened by iamtekson - 0
- 0
leading blank rows in csv files
#117 opened by rapasae - 3
Style for WKT data.
#119 opened by sackh - 2
How to bind pop-up with the contents of csv
#118 opened by Dishant-P - 2
Mapbox GL support
#103 opened by rupl - 1
It is possible to use it with Angular2?
#101 opened by piotrgolawski - 2
- 3
Use of Typings
#86 opened by oliviercherrier - 0
Can't load markers from csv
#106 opened by dominijk - 4
TCX (Enhancement)
#78 opened by nitrag - 1
- 1
Show icon to mark start and end of each .gpx
#82 opened by PedroF20 - 4
GML (Geographic Markup Language) Support?
#89 opened by FilmCoder - 1
Broken bower install
#97 opened by jalandis - 1
Update npm registry
#81 opened by bguzryanto - 1
Update csv2geojson
#94 opened by GuillaumeAmat - 0
Stop including dists in repo, switch to npmcdn
#92 opened by tmcw - 1
TopoJSON parsing
#93 opened by bhaskarvk - 1
zoomDelta not working
#87 opened by singhavdeshk - 2
call setGeoJSON before addData
#90 opened by bhaskarvk - 4
GeoJSon doesnt show
#83 opened by rajanski - 5
Can't load GPX on iOS 9+
#76 opened by USSliberty - 1
- 1
Gpx layer with single markers (in group)
#74 opened by tecnocoma75 - 5
Lag on csv load from http?
#64 opened by wyattp11 - 0
Colors from KML have invalid component ordering
#75 opened by jekhor - 1
mapbox + ionic issue
#68 opened by philographer - 3
License problem
#79 opened by kennynaoh - 1
Support for AngularJS?
#70 opened by rblades - 3
Installation URL still uses 0.2.0
#72 opened by skorasaurus - 2
Rename leaflet-omnivore to omnivore
#73 opened by tristen - 2
- 1
Custom marker icon on csv?
#67 opened by dels07 - 0
- 2