Interactive, thoroughly customizable maps in the browser, powered by vector tiles and WebGL
Pinned issues
Migrating from `@types/mapbox-gl` to first-class TypeScript typings
#13203 opened by stepankuzmin
- 0
Sea failing to render correctly when zoomed in a lot
#13338 opened by CarlosNavSeg - 1
- 0
Canvas source displays invalid content after being updated
#13356 opened by axekan - 0
Map dimensions are incorrect when shadow root is present
#13355 opened by vitvakatu - 0
3.9.0 Beta - Icon Anchor offset inconsistent
#13354 opened by david-buck - 2
- 0
Mapbox Search
#13353 opened by franfreezy - 1
Dynamic sources can't display GeoJSON correctly
#13348 opened by zxwild - 1
Markers shift slightly when the map is double clicked
#13351 opened by C2thehris - 0
Rendering problem with Angular 19
#13349 opened by rudyhadoux - 0
fitScreenCoordinates results in bounding box occupying only appr 1/9th of map view
#13347 opened by enzedonline - 1
NextUI seems to break/clash with Mapbox GL JS
#13346 opened by newguy123-creator - 0
Bug in rendering GLB models with multiple meshes in Mapbox
#13341 opened by TimoPIM - 6
Visualize a layer underground/pitch a map underground
#13342 opened by janneskruse - 0
- 1
Bug in official Example -> Add an ant path animation to a line
#13302 opened by kamami - 0
Mapbox Expression using ["format", <TEXT>, {"text-color": "<COLOR>"}] causes toRenderColor error
#13340 opened by Dylansc22 - 0
Mapbox Studio Filter Expression triggering high memory usage and slower framerate.
#13339 opened by Dylansc22 - 0
Accessibility WCAG issues
#13337 opened by spektred - 0
- 0
Unable to Trigger Function on Clicking Atmosphere Layer in React Native Mapbox
#13333 opened by MuhammadOsman381 - 0
- 0
MapBox Studio fails to complain about "invalid" SVGs
#13331 opened by mryellow - 0
Could I find a way to lazy load models
#13330 opened by ANALKH-DY - 0
V3 Upgrade: An error occurred while parsing the WebWorker bundle
#13329 opened by devsheva - 0
Map.setStyle() options type doesn't match docs
#13312 opened by andrewfergelbotlink - 0
- 1
Line (Geojson) not visible on ZoomLevel < 12
#13313 opened by WernerMairl - 2
- 4
ImageSource: updateImage() doesn't render properly if the size of the image changes to a smaller size
#13306 opened by rory-orennia - 3
mouseMove event lngLat is offset from mouse pointer at intermediate zoom levels
#13322 opened by jackcarter - 1
Receiving error 401: Unauthorized
#13325 opened by ponichWebKnight - 0
- 0
Unable to order circle layer underneath fill layer
#13320 opened by farseekers - 0
beforeId behavior when layer is not found
#13319 opened by ricardohsweiss - 0
Clusters not dividing correctly
#13318 opened by pizerg - 0
- 0
Dark overlay when switching style to Standard Satellite with low fadeDuration
#13316 opened by palhal - 0
Performance issues when using feature state with promoted string feature ids
#13315 opened by dastardlylemon - 0
- 2
Circle z-offset property
#13311 opened by joedjc - 0
Map interaction functions don't accommodate z-offset
#13310 opened by joedjc - 2
- 0
Icon on Symbol layer doesn't rotate when using icon-pitch-alignment: viewport with icon-rotation-alignment: map
#13307 opened by dlbs0 - 1
- 1
Rendering Error ( mapbox-gl-draw in android webview)
#13305 opened by Changgf - 0
Would like to have fill-outline-dasharray feature
#13303 opened by arunvisvajeetrs - 0
Unexpected results from overlapping polygons
#13301 opened by farseekers - 0
addSource geojson with "null" data renders previous geojson
#13300 opened by pomm0 - 0
Polygon rendered from `dynamic` Geojson source has errors
#13299 opened by just-ads