
Telemetry Settings cannot be changed programmatically

stolzda opened this issue · 2 comments

Platform: Android
Mapbox SDK version: 10.0.0


This is a crosspost of mapbox/mapbox-maps-android#772 because I don't know which is the right repository to post this issue.

Steps to trigger behavior

By default, telemetry seems to be enabled. We would like to integrate the settings into the app overall settings, and toggle the settings from there, which it seems it was possible, see:

mapbox/mapbox-gl-native-android#90 (comment)

These functions are not exposed anymore. With some digging I found the following:

val telemetry = mapView.getPlugin<AttributionPlugin>(Plugin.MAPBOX_ATTRIBUTION_PLUGIN_ID)!!

Expected behavior

Telemetry is disabled, MapboxTelemetryService is stopped.

Actual behavior

MapboxTelemetryService keeps running, and neither seems the Telemetry to be disabled.

I have the same problem

Any updates on this?