Interactive, thoroughly customizable maps in native Android, iOS, macOS, Node.js, and Qt applications, powered by vector tiles and OpenGL
- 0
Display properties in glfw-linux-application
#16676 opened by wecand0 - 1
- 0
Build with GCC 13.1.1 fails with `geometry.hpp:9:24: error: found ‘:’ in nested-name-specifier, expected ‘::’` and subsequent errors `error: ‘FeatureType’ has not been declared`.
#16672 opened by dreirund - 0
`cmake -DMBGL_WITH_QT=ON` fails with `_populate_Gui_plugin_properties Macro invoked with incorrect arguments for macro named: _populate_Gui_plugin_properties`.
#16671 opened by dreirund - 1
Stuck trying to install crossover app.
#16670 opened by AcG87 - 2
ERROR Mapbox error {}[Style]: Failed to load source composite: HTTP status code 403
#16633 opened by vinoth-berkmons - 2
Inability to simultaneously use with MapboxMaps 10
#16620 opened by nab0y4enko - 0
Fix build under MacOS Ventura SDK 13.3
#16668 opened by thefat32 - 0
Syntax error while adding a filter to pre-exisiting filter in a fill layer using NSCompoundPredicate
#16667 opened by alankritsingh - 0
App crashes when trying to draw polyline by adding coordinates using onLocationChanged but works using hardcoded coordinates
#16657 opened by AaronConvery - 0
Unable to submit iOS app with mapbox static framework
#16665 opened by ashwin4u-bu - 0
attach MouseArea to MapParameter
#16656 opened by MahmoudYaser1 - 1
- 2
Linux build fails on exception_ptr
#16653 opened by jchristof - 0
- 3
Crash when the user is geolocated and the camera of the map is moving to user location
#16624 opened by badyous - 0
Archive repository
#16662 opened by maxammann - 2
Shove / Tilt gesture unreliable on Android
#16659 opened by stevehayles - 1
Unable to generate docs using javadoc
#16658 opened by aamir-unl - 0
Location component puck drifts on its own with no user movement after the map has been initialised for a few minutes
#16652 opened by AaronConvery - 0
Using GPU server to speed up the rendering of mapbox-gl-native on the server side
#16654 opened by liuziqian1 - 2
Telemetry Settings cannot be changed programmatically
#16627 opened by stolzda - 3
Native iOS crash when downloading offline regions
#16645 opened by felix-mittermeier - 0
Android: can't call java.lang.String com.mapbox.geojson.GeoJson.type() on null object when adding trailing line behind location history
#16651 opened by AaronConvery - 3
Strange lines after zoom-in LineLayer in Android
#16640 opened by kingfisherphuoc - 5
Map tiles not downloading to device
#16649 opened by tkvalentine56 - 1
Sporadic crash in MGLRenderFrontend.render()
#16646 opened by BinaryDennis - 0
- 0
Unclear error in android
#16647 opened by yonibs - 1
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building android
#16641 opened by imaxkhan - 0
Using `text-variable-anchor` removes label
#16642 opened by pbnsilva - 2
How could build
#16619 opened by success-0627 - 0
tile fails to load on timeout even if it is cached
#16639 opened by JRWilding - 0
Can't get MGLFeature from "visibleFeaturesInRect: inStyleLayersWithIdentifiers:"
#16637 opened by codevond - 0
How can i change the shader?
#16636 opened by DeZhao-Zhang - 5
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3D in Mapbox-native-gl
#16634 opened by leiserhartbeck - 3
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Draw circle with latitude , longitude and radius
#16632 opened by miladsalimiiii - 1
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Map box request Cancel Second time on android 11
#16630 opened by SaurabhIT-max - 0
How does mapbox GL native support CGCS2000?
#16626 opened by fsdhr1 - 1
- 0
OfflineManager does not detect shared resources between offline packs with parallel downloads
#16622 opened by sedot42 - 0
SDK throws ClassNotFoundException on location update
#16621 opened by ashishkumar468 - 1
Terrain RGB Data has zero elevated borders
#16618 opened by tvolodimir - 0
iOS crash in mapbox module
#16616 opened by JK0369 - 0
Failed to choose ARGB config.
#16615 opened by renyanxing - 0
reason: 'Source marker-source already exists'
#16614 opened by cnfuzedRk62