
MapBox, UserTrackingMode.follow when GPS is enabled (problem)

nmpasdanis opened this issue · 1 comments

I develop an app in Xamarin forms iOS by using the Mapbox API v. 6.4.1. I have a problem with the property UserTrackingMode. If it sets to UserTrackingMode.follow then it follows the location of the user and and it zooms to 22 zoomlevel, that is something I want to prevent. From the other hand, if I set the property to UserTrackingMode.None then the zoomLevel takes the zoom input I give but doesn't follow the location of the user and I do not know what to do, thank you for your help. I appreciate it a lot!! I want the map follows the user's location but also don't zoom in when I use UserTrackingMode.follow, there is any way to prevent that?

I have been waiting for over a month and no responses, so I close it.