- 1
no call back Events configuration file [/var/mobile/Containers/Data/Application/0BD436F0-C272-4976-8AF8-9C21685FE38B/Library/Application Support/.mapbox/events_config] doesn't exist
#67 opened by BMWMWM - 1
- 5
The app distribution to App Store Connect fails with “Asset validation failed” errors.
#208 opened by PlayRhyba - 2
SDK Crash : DefaultLocationProvider.swift - Attempted to read an unowned reference but object was already deallocated
#222 opened by juansanzone - 4
Xcode - Package Resolution Failed
#204 opened by denhams - 7
- 16
- 15
- 4
Dependency Resolution Failure with mapbox-maps-ios v11.3.0 and mapbox-search-ios v2.0.0
#230 opened by jeffypooo - 0
- 8
Xcode Cloud support for version 2.0.0+
#187 opened by AlfredReisner - 0
PR #217 merged without successful status checks (mapbox-search-ios)
#221 opened by mapbox-github-ci-issues-1 - 0
PR #176 merged without successful status checks (mapbox-search-ios)
#178 opened by mapbox-github-ci-issues-5 - 3
Common SDK Versioning
#138 opened by KenObie - 2
Cannot force unwrap value of non-optional type
#135 opened by 666bsw - 3
Xcode 14 support
#90 opened by brunoald - 4
compatible issue with MapboxCommon
#85 opened by perveznouman - 5
- 7
Crash issue
#125 opened by lpdevcoding - 1
- 5
- 6
- 3
HistoryRecord timeStamp is a get-only variable
#106 opened by JanTG1 - 0
- 2
- 1
- 0
- 0
PR #157 merged without successful status checks (mapbox-search-ios)
#159 opened by mapbox-github-ci-issues-4 - 0
- 0
- 4
SearchBox returns incorrect Data
#149 opened by trungledangAxonActive - 1
- 1
Floating point issue in line gradient
#146 opened by Lumiadmin - 3
Feature Request: SearchBar only mode
#28 opened by don1ck - 0
[Question] Waypoint in SearchUI
#133 opened by samuelalake - 2
queryRenderedFeatures returning empty
#131 opened by szewah - 5
An error occurs when AddressAutofill is used to query address information by location
#118 opened by GG-beyond - 0
PR #123 merged without successful status checks (mapbox-search-ios)
#124 opened by mapbox-github-ci-issues-2 - 1
When is the value batchResolveSupported true?
#126 opened by rgmyyw - 9
Mapbox Search iOS is returning wrong coordinates for two addresses in New York City
#120 opened by szewah - 0
- 0
PR #113 merged without successful status checks (mapbox-search-ios)
#116 opened by mapbox-github-ci-issues-2 - 0
- 0
- 3
Search Result details
#48 opened by JanTG1 - 3
SearchUI Language
#40 opened by JanTG1 - 11
Search Chinese keywords with no results
#41 opened by zhaoyuntian - 3
Pod built with swift 5.4.2 - Compiler issue
#35 opened by velco-greg - 3
- 3