- 5
#54 opened by paomedia - 0
Finding the radius of the inscribed circle in C++
#116 opened by pdx-lysann - 0
What is the time complexity of this algorithm?
#114 opened by Month7 - 7
Possible optimization for getSegDistSq
#77 opened by hollasch - 5
polylabel hanging with degenerate case
#51 opened by RossRogers - 4
- 1
- 1
The algorithm is not guaranteed to find a point that lies inside the polygon
#97 opened by alex-petkov - 1
- 1
Use ES-modules instead of CommonJS or AMD
#74 opened by dennisheer - 1
Bug repot: calculated center is out of polygon
#112 opened by skywalkerlw - 12
- 1
default full screen map in blazor
#111 opened by MahdiElahi - 2
- 4
Poor (or surprising?) result
#103 opened by stevage - 1
- 2
How to install latest version with NPM?
#99 opened by plarner30 - 0
Typedefiniton URL 404 Error
#96 opened by Falke-Design - 2
npm has not the newest release
#95 opened by Falke-Design - 1
Truncate Label
#92 opened by Rskut - 1
Can i use this libary with polylines ?
#89 opened by mohammedX6 - 7
Javascript Usage
#52 opened by anbinhou - 1
- 1
Open GitHub discussions for this project?
#80 opened by hollasch - 1
matlab to javascript GeoJSON-like format, and back
#79 opened by octlie - 1
Result point is out of polygon
#78 opened by inaferando - 1
- 1
To get top N 'Best point' in the polygon and have a min-distance between each other.
#75 opened by f236964158 - 1
Two small optimizations for getCentroidCell()
#71 opened by hollasch - 0
- 5
Incorrect decision of best solution
#68 opened by serbod - 2
algorithm fails on polygons around 180 longitude
#67 opened by 77freab - 1
Multipolygon/MultiLineString/MultiPoint support?
#65 opened by wysisoft - 3
New update breaks Webpack build
#60 opened by TimonLukas - 1
- 1
Next release for node module
#59 opened by zlavergne - 2
- 1
Coords wrong with complex L shape
#55 opened by iomturner - 0
regions of inaccessibility
#50 opened by jwkvam - 1
IOS SDK Version
#53 opened by beaconIOT - 0
Move queue instantiation after return condition
#35 opened by DaniBarca - 1
- 2
Algorithm returns external point
#44 opened by fminuti - 5
- 3
Not working with odd shaped polygon
#42 opened by green3g - 2
Python wrapper bug
#41 opened by drewleonard - 2
how to use in browser?
#39 opened by rjcarr - 6
Unexpected results
#38 opened by pedro - 2
- 1
Support for MultiPolygons
#34 opened by redbmk