
Prettier configuration for docs.mapbox.com sites

Primary LanguageShell


Prettier configuration for docs.mapbox.com sites.


npm install --save-dev @mapbox/prettier-config-docs

Edit package.json:

  // ...
  "prettier": "@mapbox/prettier-config-docs"

or to extend this configuration to overwrite some properties, create .prettierrc.js:

module.exports = {
  tabWidth: 4

How to release

From the main branch:

  1. Run npm version {major|minor|patch}. Example (and usually): npm version minor.
  2. Push changes.
  3. Run mbx npm publish to publish the package to npm.

Dependabot will automatically update @mapbox/prettier-config-docs (within 1 day) to all site repositories. If you need it sooner, you can install this package in the repository by following the install steps.