A 2D rectangular bin packing data structure that uses the Shelf Best Height Fit heuristic
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Expand only to power of two image sizes
#94 opened by AleCie - 2
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Documentation page is blank
#92 opened by donmccurdy - 0
deprecate jsnext:main
#91 opened by bhousel - 3
Features / use case
#87 opened by waldenbuilds - 1
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Remember original size of free bins
#29 opened by bhousel - 1
Avoid id collisions
#28 opened by bhousel - 0
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Smarter resize down
#24 opened by bhousel - 0
Refcount bins
#3 opened by bhousel - 1
#21 opened by mb12 - 0
Expected heights parameter
#5 opened by bhousel - 0
Add batch API
#7 opened by bsudekum - 0
Generate API Docs
#9 opened by bhousel - 0
#8 opened by bhousel - 1
#2 opened by bhousel - 1
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