
Rounded Corners Without Images

Primary LanguageObjective-CApache License 2.0Apache-2.0



Simple rounded corners without images

Screenshot Screenshot

##Example usage

	NSArray *gradientColorsAndLocations = (@[
                                           @{colorKey: [UIColor blackColor],locationKey: @(0.0f)},
                                           @{colorKey: [UIColor lightGrayColor]  ,locationKey: @(0.5f)},
                                           @{colorKey: [UIColor whiteColor],locationKey: @(1.0f)}
	TKRoundedView *view = [[TKRoundedView alloc] initWithFrame:frame];
	view.roundedCorners = TKRoundedCornerTopLeft
	view.borderColor = [UIColor greenColor];
	view.fillColor = [UIColor whiteColor];
	view.gradientColorsAndLocations = gradientColorsAndLocations;
	view.gradientDirection = TKGradientDirectionDown;
	view.drawnBordersSides = TKDrawnBorderSidesLeft | TKDrawnBorderSidesTop;
	view.borderWidth = 5.0f;
	view.cornerRadius = 15.0f;


  • cornerRadius
  • borderWidth
  • borderColor
  • fillColor
  • rounded corners
  • drawn borders
  • gradient with any number of colors
  • gradient location

##Example project



