
This is the baseline of a sample app for buying and selling veggies online!

Primary LanguageTypeScript

This is a Next.js project bootstrapped with create-next-app.

Getting Started

To run the app, you need to add some environment vars to configure (1) a local database connection and (2) Auth0:

For the database, make sure you have postgresql installed, and then create a db. If on macOS:

brew install postgresql
brew services start postgresql
createdb simple-marketplace

Then create a .env file at the root of the project that looks like (if on macOS, replace {your-user-name} with your macOS username):


# Auth0
# Custom secret known by server only
# The base url of your application
# The url of your Auth0 tenant domain
# Your Auth0 application's Client ID
# Your Auth0 application's Client Secret

Ask a Lifelike dev for the Auth0 environment variable values.

To confirm the database is setup correctly and to create your initial DB, run: npx prisma db push

Once local variables are setup, you can run the app from the root of the directory:

npm install
npm run dev

Open http://localhost:3000 with your browser to see the result.

The pages/api directory is mapped to /api/*. Files in this directory are treated as API routes instead of React pages.

Project Structure

Next.js Basics

The basic structure of the repo follows the standard structure of a Next.js project.


lib is where most non-react-component code lives. There is an onion architecture layered in the following way (starting from center and going out)

  • The db directory contains the Prisma Schema file which is used for generating ORM, defining the DB tables, etc.

  • The domains directory contains methods pertaining to core business logic and services. There are no references to Next.js API routes, react components, etc. Methods in domains interface with the Prisma ORM to read and write to the database and Nextjs-auth0 sessions to extract user data (and in the future other 3rd party services). (Note: Because Next.js blurs the line between front and back-end, methods in this directory could be called directly from Next.js Pages via methods like getStaticProps, when data does not require authentication)

  • The apiHelpers directory contains methods for handling Next.js API Route requests. It is responsible for mapping requests from Next.js API routes (found in pages/api/) to core logic in domains.

  • The frontend directory hosts code exclusively used in the front end. The data directory contains methods used within the react app for interacting with Next.js APIs (and possibly other data sources in the future). SWR is used for querying and caching data. The mui directory contains some helper functions and the UI Theme file for MUI, which is the library we use for React UI components and styling