A Clojure library designed to ... well, that part is up to you.
;; - connection details {:host :port :username :scheme :Options :Password}
;;TODO: open problems: joins and subqueries
;; - read with a tablename and specific connection {:operation :read :entity :tablename :connection {}}
;; -> read results: {:operation :read :entity :tablename} ;;==> {:result :read :command {:operation :read, :entity :tablename} :status :ok ; - or error :data [] ; - or exception on error :count n :time ms}
;; - read all of the documents or records from a table {:operation :read :entity :tablename}
;; - read a specific item or items {:operation :read :entity :tablename :identifier {}}
{:operation :read :entity :tablename :identifier {} :sort-by :key :sort-order :ascending :descending fn}
;; - update a given item {:operation :update :entity :tablename :identifier {:key valuematch} :data {}}
;; - delete a given item {:operation :delete :entity :tablename :identifier []}
;; - create an item {:operation :create :entity :tablename :data {}}
;; - create a table {:operation :create :level :entity :entity :tablename}
;; - delete a table {:operation :delete :level :entity :entity :tablename}
;; - migrations {:migration :name :up [] ; <- any transformation is possible :down []}
;; - we would use migrations to create views in couch
;; - perform a system-specific operation {:operation :native :command "" or some doc'd keyword}
;; - a thing for compacting a Couch DB {:operation :native :command :compact :entity :tablename :connection {}}
;; - Front End API is merely: (execute query) (validate query) ;; <- use spec (migrate-up [migrations]) (migrate-down [migrations] steps) (schema) ;; - generate a schema - a lot to do here (make-connection command) <- create a reusable connection model, maybe?
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