
Password Generator (密码管理工具)

Primary LanguageHTML

Password Generator

 _ __    __ _  ___  ___ __      __ ___   _ __  __| |
| '_ \  / _` |/ __|/ __|\ \ /\ / // _ \ | '__|/ _` |
| |_) || (_| |\__ \\__ \ \ V  V /| (_) || |  | (_| |
| .__/  \__,_||___/|___/  \_/\_/  \___/ |_|   \__,_|


  1. hmac(key, sha512(email)+web, sha512) ---> hex string.
  2. hex string ---> binary array (7bit for each group, use leading zero to keep binary's width is 512bits).
  3. Convert element in binary array to ASCII character in range(DECIMAL 33 to DECIMAL 126).
  4. Generate 15*5 matrix and choose your password according to your own order.

