Just decorate already registered services
Based on Illuminate container
Inspired by Scrutor
Let's say you want to add an extra layer on top of the existing service functionality. It doesn't matter what it is - logging, caching, performance measurement. The decorator pattern is one option that suits this purpose.
interface ServiceContract
public function callMe();
class Service implements ServiceContract
public function callMe() { /* do something */ }
class CachedService implements ServiceContract
private $result = null;
private ServiceContract $origin;
public function __construct(ServiceContract $origin)
$this->origin = $origin;
public callMe()
if (!isset($result))
$this->result = $this->origin->callMe();
return $this->result;
$container = new Container();
$container->singleton(ServiceContract::class, Service::class);
$container->decorate(ServiceContract::class, CachedService::class);
Please see unit tests for more details