
Sportsmart je moderna fitness aplikacija koja potiče korisnike na zdraviji život.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


A modern fitness App

~The smart way to be active

Info about this project:

  • Made with React Native in Android
  • Uses Firebase for authentication, storage, data management, and more
  • Uses Google Maps for tracking
  • Compatible with Google and Facebook accounts

This app tracks your step count, walking distance, calories/fat burned, weight lost, shows your recent and long-term activity, provides in-depth statistics about your account, provides customisable profiles and weekly/monthly tournaments in body activity.


  • Track user distance, step count, weight lost, etc. using distance traveled with Google Maps
  • Implement Notifier and Profile screens
  • Add additional features in side-drawer for easy access
  • Implement settings screen (language, notification, etc.)
  • Implement user search and display
  • (?) Use graphs to display user stats
  • Add Firebase listeners to specific distance milestones and reward users with medals
  • Implement notifier with notifications (like alarm app)
  • Polish app (broad) - performance, size, internet usage

Screenshots from app:

Running Screen Notifiers Screen Drawer Navigator Login Screen Register Screen Reset Password Screen

How to run:

  1. npm install - Install required dependencies
  2. (optional, only if certain icons don't appear) react-native bundle --platform android --dev true --entry-file index.js --bundle-output android/app/src/main/assets/index.android.bundle --assets-dest android/app/src/main/res - Bundle assets (icons, images, audio)
  3. cd android && .\gradlew clean - Rebuild Android Source
  4. cd .. - Leave Android folder
  5. react-native link - Link dependencies with React Native
  6. react-native run-android or react-native run-ios on iOS - Run the app on an Android Studio Emulator or a connected device with USB debugging enabled

One liner (Windows & Android): npm i; cd android; .\gradlew clean; cd ..; react-native link; react-native run-android