TaskMaster - ReactJS & HTML5 Drag & Drop ToDo List


This is a special ToDo List built using CreateReactApp scaffolding, ReactJS and HTML5 Drag & Drop Native DOM Apis. The native 'onDragStart', 'onDragOver' & 'onDrop' events are used in this repository or source code.

Status for Native HTML5 Drag & Drop It can be used in almost all Desktop Based Browsers. Do not use this API if you are developing for Mobile. It supports latest Chrome. http://caniuse.com/#feat=dragndrop

Demo: https://mappmechanic.github.io/reactjs-html5-drag-drop/



In order to clone the repo run the following command

git clone https://github.com/mappmechanic/reactjs-html5-drag-drop.git


Install the dependencies using the following commands

yarn install


Use this command to run the app locally by starting the dev server:

yarn start


Making final build using the following command:

yarn build

The build folder will contain the final output.