
A stream interface to receive and transmit on a HackRF radio from Node.js

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


A stream interface to receive and transmit on a HackRF radio

npm install hackrf-stream


// get a list of devices
var devices = require('hackrf-stream')()
// open the first device
var radio = devices.open(0)
// create a readable stream for receiving
var rx = radio.createReadStream()
// create a writable stream for transmitting
var tx = radio.createWriteStream()

// tune to the frequency we want to send/receive on

// transmit input taken from stdin
// pipe received data to stdout

var devices = require('hackrf-stream')()

Returns an array containing information about the connected HackRF devices. If no devices are found, an empty array is returned.

var radio = devices.open(deviceIndex, [opts])

Opens the device with index deviceIndex, using the specified options (if any). Available options for opts:

  • closeOnExit - if true, the radio will automatically be closed on process.exit or SIGINT (Ctrl-C)

Note that the device will continue transmitting after your program terminates, unless you use the closeOnExit option or manually call radio.close.


Returns a readable stream which emits raw sample data received by the radio.


Returns a writable steam for transmitting data.

The HackRF cannot transmit and receive simultaneously, so while data is being written, read streams returned by createReadStream will not emit anything.

radio.setFrequency(freq_hz, [callback])

Set the center frequency for both receiving and transmitting.

radio.setSampleRate(rate_Mhz, [callback])

Set the number of samples per second for both receiving and transmitting. The rate must be one of the following: 8, 10, 12.5, 16, 20.

radio.setBandwidth(bw_Mhz, [callback])

Set the filter bandwidth (this makes so data we receive only includes signals within a certain range of the frequency passed to setFrequency). The bandwidth must be one of the following: 1.75, 2.5, 3.5, 5, 5.5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 12, 14, 15, 20, 24, 28.


Stops receiving and transmitting, and releases the device so it may be used by other processes.


A handle to the underlying device returned by the hackrf package. See the hackrf module's README for documentation about the device's API.