This project is from the microverse curriculum using The Odin Project The goal is to do practice with rails authentication. HTML Form / Railsy Forms with #form_tag / Railsy-er Forms with #form_for / Editing

Setup & Use

To run the project first clone the repo:

git clone

Then cd to the project folder:

cd members-only

Upadte gems from the Gemfile:

bundle update

Then migrate the database:

rails db:migrate

If there are any errors for the Gemfile, then please install as said in the error messages.

Navigate through the project tables from the console:

rails console

To run all the tests:

rails db:migrate RAILS_ENV=test
rails test


Ruby version 2.6.4 Rails version 6.0.0 Bundler version 2.0.2

Authors: Brham Dev Mahato, Miguel Prada