Pinned issues
- 1
Error PluginGeocoder.m iOS 17
#2930 opened by keriroso - 1
- 3
- 0
can't build my app updating it to cordova android 13
#2935 opened by leabdalla - 33
- 0
Unable to load custom image for map marker "There is no file at '//private/var/containers/Bundle/Application/F14E3528-E405-44D6-81AA-91C752E927E5/'."
#2928 opened by subhankhalid402 - 5
Marker Image Not Appearing
#2896 opened by hrhosni - 4
- 0
BSF Cordova Ecosystem Crowdfunding Plan
#2925 opened by zzz131519 - 18
Map won't load
#2900 opened by craig-at-rsg - 1
Installing iOS error
#2924 opened by tmwebs - 5
KML stop working in Andriod 10
#2904 opened by gautamsinh - 17
Support for latest Android and iOS Versions
#2915 opened by hrhosni - 3
- 0
- 6
🆘 [ANDROID] Plugin doesn't work with android 10+
#2892 opened by kaddyadriano - 0
Huawei with no Google Services Issue
#2919 opened by ariverorigin - 2
Any fork that is being maintained?
#2907 opened by uhmarc - 0
Android app crash on LocationService .getMyLocation()
#2918 opened by molinet88 - 2
Call to unknown plugin: map_1_362345990451
#2883 opened by gbrits - 1
Googlemaps is not installed or not ready yet
#2916 opened by lrphael - 0
Use tileOverlay from Zoom Level 14 in higher Zoom levels
#2914 opened by appzer - 1
Google Maps app is not installed or disabled error
#2912 opened by Filavision - 0
CSS injection problem in all project pages.
#2913 opened by mirkomartino - 0
Zoom controls not responding
#2911 opened by flyonthenet - 21
White map or build failed with multiples errors in Ionic 5
#2894 opened by Pipouv - 0
warning: google.maps.event.addDomListener() is deprecated, use the standard addEventListener()
#2910 opened by TreehouseNorris - 0
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New Maps SDK renderer compatibility
#2888 opened by alexp25 - 0
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- 0
#2903 opened by cloud27 - 0
unable to show markers that are on different continents because of minimum zoom level
#2902 opened by CodeWithOz - 1
Add logic to decode marker image bytes a second time if first decode returns `null` bitmap
#2890 opened by CodeWithOz - 2
- 0
ios 13 animates map marker off screen
#2901 opened by CodeWithOz - 0
Zoom gets interrupted during animation
#2899 opened by CodeWithOz - 1
- 0
addMarkerSync does not work on cordova-android 10
#2895 opened by jhanvelez - 0
- 1
Unable to add plugin
#2891 opened by deepakgit - 0
Error loading some custom markers
#2889 opened by CodeWithOz - 0
- 0
- 0
20 markers are slow to plot sometimes
#2882 opened by CodeWithOz - 2
Ethical Hacking: memcpy and strlen functions used on iOS platform marked as vulnerabilities
#2881 opened by diegofdospina - 3
Will this plugin work on Huawie?
#2877 opened by adnanmasd - 0
- 0
PluginMap.h is missing the resizeMap definition
#2878 opened by TylerBreau - 0