
markersCluster hide/show

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I have number of markersClusters. I want to hide and show one of them every time. I tried `markersClusterRef.remove()` and it is work good, but then I have no option to return.
Now `markersClusterRef._isRemoved ` is `true` and i want to return and show it.
I try to do add them again with `map.addMarkerCluster()` and it took a long time for them to be added to the map.

Please help . Thank you.

Umm, I didn't expect this usage. I will implement setVisible(true/false) on to the next version

Thank you. I'm waiting for it.

Hi, I'm sorry that I'm bothering but I need it urgently.
How long time do you think it will take you to release the version on it?

Sorry, I can't work such as soon. This project is not paid job for me. That's why I only work when I am available

Hi, I'm sorry that I'm bothering but I need it urgently.
How long time do you think it will take you to release the version on it?

This is an open source project, you can still submit a pull request

Any update on this? I tried lots of "solutions" presented before, but none of them work.