A set of guidelines for developers, cartographers, GIS specialists, geographers, and civic hackers to consider when creating projects that include web maps
- aclaflinMinnesota Pollution Control Agency
- almereydaallmende
- antrinnaInsight
- carodewNava PBC
- clhenrick@ESRI
- dspace-projects@GPII
- elmoneto@Geosimples
- emilyrboweBoston, MA
- eroten@Metropolitan-Council
- GeoLibraHangzhou
- geospatialem@Esri
- jessibreenWashington, DC
- JimGonsoskiTwin Cities Region
- jimmieegoAWS
- johnrlawton
- jorditostBerlin, Germany
- kafunkChicago, IL
- MalvozSweden
- mapsam@Read-AI-Inc
- maptastik@newmapsplus @skarplab
- miccpalmer@ds-modules
- MicheleTobiasCalifornia
- mnfgul
- mugraph
- nateirwin@trailheadlabs
- nickpeihl@elastic
- nschonniTreasury Board of Canada Secretariat
- ryankdaltonWhitefish, MT
- shaief
- shawnbot@SFDigitalServices
- shua123Chicago
- skorasaurusCleveland Public Library
- thanhtoan1196
- todrobbins@BONCOM
- tristen@mapbox
- wiringaUniversity of Minnesota