Possibly thr simplest and the dumbest thing to do. Files in the subdir: pair
- The CPP code reads one image from the disk and sends it over a
socket in
mode as JPEG bytes. Compile it as follows (with OpenCV4 on an Ubuntu system):g++ -o ps pair_send.cpp
pkg-config --cflags --libs opencv4-lzmq
One can create a simple unchecked video stremer by opening a video stream inpair_send.cpp
. The aim of this repo is just to show simple patterns for some common streaming use cases, so you'll need to hack on it on your own for more esoteric usage. - The receiver is in python with
requirements. It keeps waiting for data to apper on the port it connected. Once the data is available, it deocdes and displays it.
Files in the subdir: req_reply
Files in the subdir: pub_sub