Reliable p2p network connections in Rust with NAT traversal. One of the most needed libraries for any server-less / decentralised project.
##Todo Items
- Tcp Networking
- Tcp live port and backup random port selection
- Create send/rcv channel from routing to connections object
- Implement test for basic "hello world" two way communication
- Set up Udp broadcast and respond when we have live port available (5483)
- Have connection manger start, broadcast on udp broadcast for port 5483 (later multicast for ipv6)
- Link ability to read and write bootstrap file as well as send to any node requesting it.
- Add connection established/lost messages to be passed to routing (via channel)
- Add maintain_connection() to connecton manager for to be able to confirm a routing table contact we must keep.
- Benchmark tx/rv number of packets
- Benchmark tx/rc Bytes per second
- Allow tcp and then utp connections and wrap in connection object. [See here for tcp NAT traversal] ( and here fur ucp/dht NAT traversal
- Version 0.0.8
- Utp Networking
- Utp live port and backup random port selection
- Create send/rcv channel from routing to connections object
- Implement test for basic "hello world" two way communication
- Add connection established/lost messages to be passed to routing (via channel)
- Benchmark tx/rv number of packets
- Benchmark tx/rc Bytes per second
- Version 0.1 (