
Highlighting and snippet support for the Haskell language in visual studio code.

Primary LanguageTypeScript

Haskell Language support

Support for the Haskell programming language in visual studio code.


Adds highlighting support for Haskell (.hs) based on the Haskell TextMate bundle and Cabal files (.cabal) via a concoction of my own.

Also adds automatic indentation after where, do, -> etc.

![Screenshot Haskell](./images/Screenshot 1.png)

![Screenshot Cabal](./images/Screenshot Cabal 1.png)


Includs common Haskell code snippets, such as data and newtype declarations, main module, if and case.


This is still a pretty young extension. If you happen to notice bugs or have suggestions for improvements visit the issue section of the repository.


  • More common haskell snippets
  • Support for literate haskell (currently broken and disabled)