
Script to maintain rsync backups

Primary LanguagePerl


rsync-backup - Simple script that maintains your backups using rsync.


rsync-backup [--config=config] --backup [--force] [--dry-run] [--now=date]

rsync-backup [--config=config] --list

rsync-backup [--config=config] --expire [--dry-run] [--now=date]

rsync-backup --help



Prints a brief help message and exits.


Specifies config file for you backup configuration.


Runs backup opration.


Expires (deletes) old backups.


Lists existing backups.


Forces backup even if existing backup is not old enough.


No real backup or removal would happen.


Forces given date on a script. Useful when convering backups from other systems


This program maintains backups of your system using rsync.