Installation tested on Ubuntu 12.10 machine with Python 2.7.3. Should be good with Ubuntu 10.04 LTS - 13.04 releases. This is still in the development stage and NOT ready for production
Software Installation
sudo apt-get install git fabric postgresql-9.1 python-setuptools postgresql-server-dev-9.1 python-dev libxml2-dev libxslt-dev
sudo easy_install pip
sudo pip install virtualenv
Setup Postgres
sudo passwd postgres (set password for postgres system user)
sudo -u postgres createuser -P <db_owner> (create postgres user that will be owner of the db - make superuser)
su postgres
psql template1
Create database inside of postgres shell
\q (exits shell)
exit (logout as system postgres user)
Create ADL LRS system user
sudo useradd -c "ADL Learning Record Store System" -m -s "/bin/bash" adllrs
sudo passwd adllrs (set password)
su adllrs
cd ~
Create desired directory to keep LRS
mkdir <dir_name>
cd <dir_name>
Clone the LRS repository
git clone
Note: Under ADL_LRS/adl_lrs/, make sure the database USER and PASSWORD are the same as the db_owner created earlier. Also, be sure to replace the current SECRET_KEY flag with a secret string of your own, and be sure not to share it.
Set Site Scheme
Inside of ADL_LRS/adl_lrs/ there is a SITE_SCHEME value you should set (defaults to http but if you're using https set it here)
Setup the environment
fab setup_env
source ../env/bin/activate
Setup the LRS - while still in the activated virtual environment (creates media directories and cache tables, then syncs database)
fab setup_lrs (when prompted make adllrs a Django superuser)
There is an existing .png file that displays the database schema at the root level. If you want to generate one, run
python graph_models -a -o <filename>.png
While still in the ADL_LRS directory, run
To verify it's running
Set your site domain
Visit the admin section of your website (/admin). Click Sites and you'll see the only entry is '' (The key for this in the DB is 1 and it maps back to the SITE_ID value in settings). Change the domain and name to the domain you're going to use. If running locally it could be localhost:8000, or if production could be (DON'T include the scheme here, that should be set in already). Sync your database again to apply the change
python syncdb
Whenever you want to exit the virtual environment, just type deactivate
You should see a task named web running. This will host the application using gunicorn with 2 worker processes.
If you open a browser and visit http://localhost:8000/xapi you will hit the LRS. Gunicorn does not serve static files
so no CSS will be present. This is fine if you're doing testing/development but if you want to host a production-ready
LRS, Nginx needs to be setup to serve static files. For more production-like environments, we also recommend using uWSGI instead of Gunicorn. Please read these instructions for including
Nginx and using uWSGI intead of Gunicorn. For a more detailed description of the tools being used in general, visit here. Additionally if you're just doing dev, instead of using supervisor you can just run python runserver
and use Django's built-in web server.
fab test_lrs
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Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.