
demo of ansible-pull on AWS

Primary LanguageShell


This is a demo of ansible-pull on AWS. You will need to install terraform locally on your machine if you want to implement the full demo. The bare minimum is the script called user-data.sh


  • proof of concept that ansible-pull works between AWS EC2 instances and github
  • proof of concept that ansible-pull will continuously update the EC2 instance via crontab
  • proof of concept that a freshly deployed EC2 instance can be bootstrapped by ansible-pull
  • proof of concept that we can automate the EC2 ordering process and have it bootstrapped by ansible-pull
  • proof of concept that we can do all of the above from a private repo


the local.yml playbook will run 2 ansible tasks as tests to leave evidence for manual verification later

  1. /tmp/ansible-pull.txt will be populated with the date and time it last ran
  2. syslog will be utilised to record an entry "Hello from ansible-pull"

Use cases

Scenario 1 - already deployed EC2 instance

  • pre-requisites: ansible and git
  • modify group_vars/all.yaml to your liking. it includes variables like git_repo and git_dir
  • run user-data.sh on your EC2 instance

Scenario 2 - freshly deployed EC2 instance

  • when launching an EC2 instance, copy and paste the contents of user-data.sh into Advanced Details \ "As text" text-box (step "3. Configure Instance").
  • make small changes to the github repo
  • check syslog and /tmp/ansible-pull.txt after a minute or 2

Scenario 3 - use terraform to deploy and bootstrap an EC2 instance

  • switch to the terraform directory
  • modify terraform/vars.tf and update the key_name and aws_profile to fit your environment
  • run terraform apply and answer yes to deploy the aws resources

Scenario 4 - private repo

  • save a SecureString parameter in AWS Systems Manager / Parameter Store. This demo uses the name ansible-pull/git_token aws ssm put-parameter --name /ansible-pull/git_token --value "Secure_STRING" --type SecureString
  • an IAM role attached to the EC2 instance with the AmazonSSMManagedInstanceCore policy. This is automatically taken care of by terraform


  • private repo: - set up a new automation user in github and give this new user "write" access thru your organisation. see this github issue for more info
  • properly exclude AWS hostname
  • save the GitHub repo URL in one central location instead of the current 2 different locations:
    • user-data.sh
    • group_vars/all.yaml


  • ansible-pull has limitations
  • playbook must be called local.yaml
  • include command is for files not proper roles, although we can shoe horn it in
  • somehow runs against AWS hostname even when the host file is provided - the work around seems to be to add the AWS hostnames. however, this means that ansible-pull will work 3 times and I am willing to suffer the errors rather than do that
