The Folklore framework configuration manager.
Configs are in yaml format stored in app.yaml by default. An
environment vairable FOLKLORE_APP_CONFIG_PATH
can be used to change
the path of the yaml file.
To set current running environment of the app use environment vairable
. The default env is dev
For the given config files:
# app.yaml
app_name: echo
app: echo:service
settings: settings
DB_DSN = 'psycopg2+postgresql://root:123@localhost:5432/dev'
>>> # With this environment vairable set:
>>> # FOLKLORE_ENV=prod
>>> from folklore_config import config
>>> print(config.env)
>>> print(config.app_name)
>>> config.settings.update({'TEST': True, 'HELLO': 'world'})
>>> print(config.settings['TEST'])
>>> print(config.settings['DB_DSN'])