Python helper methods for Mountain Lion's notification center
Just copy the file into your source tree and import it. e.g.:
import pyNotificationCenter
# show a message instantly
pyNotificationCenter.notify("Test message", "Subtitle", "Show instantly", sound=True)
# show a message after 20 seconds
pyNotificationCenter.notify("Another test", None, "Show after 20 seconds", 20)
To handle clicks, you must provide a userInfo variable, which should containt a
dictionary to help you determine the notification's contents. Then, in your
app delegate, implement the
(void)applicationDidFinishLaunching:(NSNotification *)aNotification
method. From there, you can check the notification's userInfo and handle it.
In your notification:
pyNotificationCenter.notify("Test message", "Subtitle", "Show instantly", userInfo={"action":"open_url", "value":""})
In your app delegate:
def applicationDidFinishLaunching_(self, sender):
# check if the application launch sender's userInfo
userInfo = sender.userInfo()
if userInfo["action"] == "open_url":
// open url