
This code corresponds to doi: 10.1111/tpj.14746

SNPeffect: identifying functional roles of SNPs using metabolic networks

Input data is stored under data/. makes input files for the GAMS file findSNPs.gms, which (currently) uses CPLEX to identify SNP activities. The following inputs are needed for -

  1. under data/
  • AllGenotypesInStudy.txt - list of genotypes in the study
  • Biomass_Cons_AllGenotypes.txt - relative growth rate of each genotype wrt the reference genotype (conforming to GAMS formatting)
  • Biomass_ConsList_AllGenotypes.txt - list of constraints for the above file (conforming to GAMS formatting)
  1. under data/gsm/
  • smbl_metabolites.txt - list of metabolites in the GSM model
  • smbl_reactions.txt - list of reactions in the GSM model
  • smbl_reaction_bounds.txt - reaction bounds for reactions in the GSM model
  • smbl_sij.txt - stoichiometric matrix from the GSM model
  • FVA.txt - FVA results using nutrients from medium.txt
  • maxbiomass_pFBA_FVA.txt - FVA results at maximal biomass value, followed by total flux limited to pFBA value at maximal biomass
  • Poplar_GPRrxns_090419.txt - tab delimited file, with reactions (column 1) and associated list of genes (column 2, comma delimited)
  1. under data/metabolomics/ - stores genotype-specific metabolite levels

  2. under data/genomics/ - stores genotype-wise sequence data