The repository script and the execution of the steps mentioned below in the correct order, will allow to obtain the transcript quantification and BAM files for different samples of a specific organism, using the Kallisto software.
The process requires the fastq files of both reads for each sample, which must be saved in the sample_input folder as follows:
The folder must contain some essential files referring to the genome under consideration:
Is a tab separated file with chromosome names and lengths, an example of this file can be found in the following path:
The Kallisto software requires a gtf file with a specific order, to convert a normal gtf just follow the steps below:
awk '( $3 ~ /gene/ )' old.gtf > kallisto.gtf
awk '( $3 ~ /transcript/ )' old.gtf >> kallisto.gtf
awk '( $3 ~ /exon/ && $7 ~ /+/ )' old.gtf | sort -k1.10,1.11n -k4,4n >> kallisto.gtf
awk '( $3 ~ /exon/ && $7 ~ /-/ )' old.gtf | sort -k1.10,1.11n -k4,4nr >> kallisto.gtf
An example of this file can be found in the following path:
This file must contain the transcripts in the fasta format, an example of this file can be found in the path:
This step will allow you to create and run a conda environment from which you can use the kallisto software and parallel to run multiple jobs, using the following command from the base directory:
conda create --name kallisto kallisto==0.48.0
conda activate kallisto
The creation of the file input_file_list.txt, will allow you to have a list of all the files in the sample_input folder, making them accessible to Kallisto
The Kallisto software requests an index obtained from the transcript.fa, by running the following command:
kallisto index --index=genome_input/kallisto_index genome_input/transcripts.fa
The generation of this file will allow to run the kallisto software on the indicated samples in parallel:
./ input_file_list.txt job.txt
Once the following steps have been carried out it will be possible to perform quantitation using the kallisto software by executing the following command,
IMPORTANT fill the script with qsub flags (if required) and with the directory in wich job.txt is stored.
qsub -t 1-{num_of_jobs} path/
IMPORTANT replace {num_of_jobs} with your effective number of jobs and path with the same path used in the
The process will save the Kallisto output in the kallisto_output folder, divided into subfolders for each sample taken into consideration. As well as the kallisto_joblog.txt file in the main folder, which will allow you to check the status of the processes performed.
Bray, N. L., Pimentel, H., Melsted, P. & Pachter, L. Near-optimal probabilistic RNA-seq quantification, Nature Biotechnology 34, 525-527(2016), doi:10.1038/nbt.3519