
Latex class file for JAMK University of Applied Sciences reporting template

Primary LanguageTeX

JAMK University of Applied Sciences Report Latex Class

This is an unofficial template. You might lose points because of errors in this template.

This template is written according to project reporting instructions found here and the Word template student Intranet (the template file requires a login for some reason). This template includes some utility macros that makes adding images a bit easier. I plan to add utility macros for tables and bibliographical references as well.

So far, this class file has only been tested on Debian. The font used is Carlito instead of Calibri, which might have to have to be installed separately on Windows. Other than the font thing, there is nothing that should cause a problem on Windows or on Mac OS X.

I threw this together in a few hours so expect breaking changes. This template doesn't implement everything detailed in the reporting instructions yet. Pull requests are welcome. If you have any issues or feature requests, please create an issue.


On Debian based systems install the following packages.

apt-get install texlive texlive-xetex texlive-latex-extra texlive-fonts-extra biber texlive-biber-extra

This template has to be compiled using xelatex or lualatex due to the font stuff. This means that the pdflatex command doesn't work.


Adding images

\jamkfigure creates an image with a caption and a label. Has an optional parameter for image width. The default width for an image is 6in. This might change in the near future. Place the image in images/ folder which is located in the same folder as the class file (jamk-report.cls).

Add an image with default width:

  {example.png}  % filename
  {Caption text} % caption
  {fig:example}  % label

Add an image with custom width:

  [2in]          % width (optional)
  {example.png}  % filename
  {Caption text} % caption
  {fig:example}  % label

Reference the image


Adding tables

\jamktable creates a table with a caption and label for referencing. Requires 4 parameters. The parameters are: caption, label, table layout and table content. Table layout and contents follow regular Latex table rules (read more about them here).

Here's an example:

    {Different types of dice}   % Caption
    {tbl:dicetypes}             % Label that is used to refence the table
    {l r l}                     % Table layout
        % Table data
        \textbf{Type} & \textbf{Number of sides} & \textbf{Usage} \\
        D4      & 4     & Tabletop RPGs     \\
        D6      & 6     & Gambling, games...\\
        D10     & 10    & Tabletop RPGs     \\
        D20     & 20    & Tabletop RPGs     \\
        D100    & 100   & Tabletop RPGs     \\

Adding citations

\jamkcite creates a citation to a bibliographical reference defined in refs.bib. Read more about bib files here. The class file takes care of everything, you just have to fill your references to refs.bib. You use it like this:


or like this if you need additional information (e.g. page number):

\jamkcite[p. 1-50]{alabelinyourbibfile}