
This is an app which lists favourite music for users

Primary LanguageJavaScript


We have created a music application that plays a song based upon responses to questions.

user story

As a music lover and someone who enjoys playing games, I want to play a game to help me find a song to listen to, so I can have fun and be inspired to listen to new music.

Application Features

Quiz start

The application begins with a title screen and a start button for the user to click to begin the quiz

Question pages

A series of 4 questions were devised to add a fun element to the application. We created 4 potential responses for each question. These questions appear on the screen after the start button is clicked. GIFs were added to the response buttons to make a fun user experience.

The GIF's are created using the Tenor API. The user's response to the question is allocated a value and that value is then used to construct a URL to be used in an AJAX request from the musixmatch API. Foundation and Google Fonts were utilised to create the dynamic layout of the application and the effects.

YouTube Output

After the final of the 4 questions is asked, the user is then shown a Youtube clip of a song we hope they will enjoy. The clip is shown by passing the output of the musixmatch API into the Youtube API to show a song that was formulated from the user's response to the questions.

Technology used

Google Fonts - https://fonts.googleapis.com
W3 Schools - https://www.w3schools.com/
AJAX - https://ajax.googleapis.com
Tutorials Point - https://www.tutorialspoint.com/index.htm
Foundation - https://get.foundation/
Stack Overflow - https://stackoverflow.com/
MusixMatch API - https://developer.musixmatch.com/
Moment.JS - https://momentjs.com/
JQuery - https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/3.5.1/jquery.min.js
Tenor API - https://api.tenor.com
YouTube API - https://developers.google.com/youtube/v3
Github - https://github.com/

A gif of the working application is below:

demo of music-app

Project 1 By Ben Hilliard, Declan Toohey, Jeff Miao, Pradeep Marasini