
Python Django

This is my repository for VK Education course on Python-Backend Autumn 2021.


  • Homework №1 - Console game TicTacToe and Tests
  • Homework №2 - Creating a custom sheet class with specific logic, creating a meta class
  • Homework №3 - Configuring nginx, creating a simple wsgi application, measuring performance
  • Homework №4 - A django application framework with api method stubs
  • Homework №5 - Design a database, create migrations, write tables
  • Homework №6 - Inherit a user from an abstract user, configure the admin, implement database interaction using an ORM (CRUD)
  • Homework №7 - Rewrite a view using the Django REST framework
  • Homework №8 - Add social network authorisation using Oauth2 and also write a decorator to check if the user is registered
  • Homework №9 - Client-server application for url caching and script for asynchronous url caching
  • Homework №10 - Using celery to implement the tasks
  • Homework №11 - Levenstein distance and Elasticsearch